Only by working alone, and together, can we conquer the global pandemic which threatens us all. How do we embrace the paradox of nurturing human connection as leaders in a world of social distancing and isolation? Read more
Organizations that are future-ready and able to withstand the economic, social and environmental shocks rippling across the globe today, are those who can test and learn the fastest, who can make things happen, and not just think. Read more
How do you keep your people engaged, productive and resilient in a world of social distancing and self-isolation? Why not inspire and stimulate thinking across your leadership teams using bite-size virtual learning. Who knew webinars could be so human? Read more
"87% of Irish employees think it’s important for their CEO to be inspiring… while almost three quarters don’t think they are". Are we putting too much pressure on today's CEOs? Is integrity really the best policy for CEOs, and if so, what are the trade offs and are we prepared to accept them? Is the Cult of the CEO a thing of the past? Read more
High performing organizations which foster a corporate culture built on high levels of trust, integrity and respect, enable individuals to get their jobs done in the most effective way. In fact, research tells us that the UK’s best workplaces have higher than average trust scores – and that these high achieving organizations are more likely to offer flexible working! Read more
Hear the clarion call from guest writer, Archie Graves, on why businesses should be focusing on the development of mid-level organizational leaders using virtue ethics as a platform for change Read more
The leadership topic of our time that is fast emerging is the super-evolving and paradoxical nature of what it takes to be an effective leader. How do you develop and thrive as a leader fit for the future? How do you cultivate a climate of organisational resilience that can withstand surprises and uncertainty? Read more
Placing people, culture and behaviours at the heart of your AI strategy will accelerate your ability to position AI as a competitive force for good Read more