Odgers Connect: The Ethical Leader Part II

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Delighted to be interviewed again by Adam Gates, Head of Odgers Connect, on what it takes to be an ethical leader and why it matters now, more so than ever, in the latest edition of Odgers Vista magazine.

During this second interview on ethical leadership we explored why ethical leaders must act as the role models of ethical value creation for wider stakeholders, for example by prioritising the health and well-being of diverse groups (e.g. employees, customers and suppliers); mitigating harm and unnecessary risk through good governance, effective consequence management and values-based decision-making; and embracing inclusion and diversity as critical business tools to unlock better performance.

The ethical imperative is for leaders to no longer do the next things right – after all these are tasks that are easily transferred to machines – but rather to do the next right things. Creating value for society, as well as being rooted in and guided by a moral framework and set of principles that inform how leaders approach everything they do and say, is arguably becoming the leadership licence to operate.

Read the full interview here. 

