Working Flexibly: Trust is the Glue of Life

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Trust is the Glue of Life 

I was so delighted that DuoMe asked me to write about the relationship between trust and flexible working here. I loved exploring the various dynamics of what it takes to be trustworthy, unpicking how we act with integrity and demonstrate respect through not just what we say and do, but also how we make others feel.

Making the connection between trust and flexible working was easy; it was already there, ready to spring to life! What shines brightly in this brief exploration (there will be more to come), is that the mindset, behaviours and values that drive effective flexible working are also those that enhance business performance and bring out the best in all of us. 

At the very heart of this lies what makes us human – a collective sense of belonging, shared vision and purpose. The energy and momentum you create through unlocking the flexible working spirit is unlimited – it’s hugely compelling and attractive.

It’s a real privilege to work with DuoMe in exposing how trust really is the glue of life and is what truly makes our relationships so full of promise, hope and opportunity. It’s what makes it all worthwhile. 

Enjoy the article.

